Virtual AIS Tour

The Good Village

Virtual AIS Tour

What is AIS?

The Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) Canberra is the home for emerging and established Australian athletes.

To perform at their very best, our Aussie athletes require a lot of support before, in between and after their respective sports days and matches.

This is why the AIS sports centre exists – to keep athletes well trained, fed and rested. To learn more about what goes on inside of the Australian Institute of Sports, click the links below for a virtual AIS tour!

What happens at the Australian Institute of Sports?

Supported by the world-leading Sports Science and Sports Medicine staff at the AIS sports centre, athletes are coached, have their nutritional needs managed, and bodies cared for to ensure maximum performance and wellbeing.

This is all coordinated across the AIS sports centre’s 65 hectares of facilities which include a variety of Olympic and Paralympic training centres and fields, recovery centres, a dining hall and Olympic village (athlete accommodation).

To truly get a feel for what it’s like in the day in the life of an Aussie Athlete staying at the Australian Institute of Sports, a guided AIS tour is a great way to find out first-hand.

Why was the Australian Institute of Sports established?

Canberra’s AIS sports centre was established in 1981 with the purpose of showing the world how incredibly Aussie sports people can perform.

The Australian Institute of Sports was established from the need to support the prevalent Olympic and Paralympic medal winning capability of Australian athletes. Currently, the AIS sports centre houses world-leading coaches to ensure our athletes are provided with the highest quality of training and support to reach their goals.

The establishment of the AIS sports centre has made an immense impact on Australia’s sporting output with 60% of Australian gold medals achieved following the development of the AIS

Why is the AIS sports centre in Canberra?

Due to the Australian Government’s significant contributions to the development and funding of the Australian Institute of Sports, the AIS sports centre was established in Australia’s capital city, Canberra.

The AIS Canberra campus is also an ideal location to provide a high-performance hub, comprising a range of adjacent training venues and onsite athlete residential accommodation and dining hall.

Can schools visit the Australian Institute of Sports as part of an AIS tour?

An AIS tour of the Canberra campus offers a range of exciting and interactive learning activities that highlight the importance of sports, regular exercise, and healthy eating.

Children (and teachers!) can challenge themselves in a Sportex, or experience what it’s like to be a real Olympian athlete by trying out AIS sport activities such as wheelchair basketball, rock-climbing, football penalty shootouts and more.

Learn more about the educational opportunities available at the Sports Institute of Australia and book your AIS tour here.